Thursday 29 September 2011

Day 52 and a half

I cried when I woke up this morning. Just a little more intense than yesterday morning when I also cried. I made breakfast and showered, crying non stop. Wessel tried to comfort me and I told him I can't stop crying. The nurse phoned and I knew Tabitha's time had come. I wept all the way to the hospital. Wessel asked me to tell him how I feel. I said I'm fine but I know the end has come. Its like the Lord has prepared me by starting to mourn. We were not anxious or afraid and I thank God that He has answered our prayers. 

The doctor said that Tabitha was not looking good, they suspected that she had a blocked artery in her lower body because her legs were pale and her upper body reddish. I just wanted to see her and kiss her as much as possible. Her oxygen settings were high at 85%. I could see she wanted to leave us for a better place. We had to discuss what to do with the doctors, who gave her a light dose of morphine so that she can go without pain. The doctor suggested that we take her off the Sipap machine to speed up the process, because it could be hours or even days. Wessel made it clear that we don't want to do anything close to euthanasia, so doing something like that we felt would be too drastic. If God wants to take her He can do it while she is still on the machine. 

She started crying uncontrollably so we tried to calm her down by touching her head firmly and tapping her bum. She always liked that. Then I picked her up and she was very calm and seemed content. The sonar lady came with the machine and they took a sonar of her tummy to see if there is a blocked artery. They found none. Wessel took photos of us and the nurse took photos of the three of us. I asked them to take the line out of her mouth where she received her feeds. I also asked them to draw the curtains so that we could have some privacy. It wasn't long when I felt and saw that her chest stopped moving. I told Wessel that she had stopped breathing. It wasn't apnea. Her breath didn't come back. I asked the nurse to take the Sipap contraption off her face so that I could kiss her and appreciate her pretty face for the last time. The monitor still picked up her heart beat for quite some time. It was very slow until it finally came to a stop. I don't know how much time had lapsed since I picked her up or how long it took for her heart to stop. I just tried to soak up the precious last moments with her. I stroked her head and kissed her and felt her feet and hands. Wessel did too. Our tears would fall on her little body, slowly turning colder. But her skin was just as soft as always. She was so peaceful. And although we were crying and heartbroken, we had peace as well. I told Wessel this is what we have asked for. That God would not prolong her suffering. That we would not have to make the decision. That it would not be dragged out. But holding your dying child in your arms is the hardest thing I've ever done. But I'm glad that I had the opportunity. I'm so glad that we could have a limited time with her, and be blessed by her short existence here on earth.

Wessel wanted to hold her little body. I took photos. When we were ready we put her back in her bed so that the nurses could take out the drips and stickers and everything else. They also bathed her and dressed her. She is wearing a beautiful pink babygrow with butterflies. 

We went downstairs and had lunch. Then we could go up and see her again for the last time, on earth that is. She looked beautiful. I picked her up, wrapped in her blanket. For the first time I could hold a 'cordless' baby and sus her, without worrying about some attachment hurting her. I held her head close to my face and stroked her hair with my cheeks, the way I always did when I kangaroo'd her. It felt just as lovely. We packed all her things and took some more time to say goodbye to her. We know she is with Jesus already, with a perfect body and happier than she could ever be here on earth. She has gone before us. And one day we will be reunited with her again. Tabitha. Grace and beauty. Our oldest daughter and greatest blessing. 

Some people will say, and have already asked the question. Why would God give you a child and then take her away again? I don't know all the answers, but the scope of the profound influence her short little life has had on people we will probably never know. She has been a blessing for so many people, especially to us, her parents. We have grown closer together during this time, closer to our friends and family, and also closer to God. Her life was not in vain.

As human beings we always try to find a happy ending to all stories. We try and fairy tale everything. But then this seems like a sad ending.  Its not the end. This life is not the end of the story. Can you also see it? She never set foot outside the hospital, and her adventures comprised of visits to theatre. Operating theatres, that is. Most of the people who loved her dearly, never got to meet her.  Only God could think to use a little girl, not even 2 months old and weighing only two and a half kg's, to teach grown ups about Him, build their characters, show them what is important in life and give them hope. I pray that you will also experience the peace that only God can give in His Son, Jesus. I pray that you will also find strength to handle your challenges in this life. And I pray that your life will also give glory to God the way that Tabitha's life did. 

I will miss you my precious daughter. I'm sure I'll cry many more mornings on waking up. I'm sure I'll spend many days in the room you never got to sleep in, missing you, longing to hold you and kiss you again. You will always be our oldest daughter and mommy and daddy are very proud of you. Enjoy sitting on Jesus' lap and playing fun games with other children in heaven, where you'll know no lack, pain or tears. We love you.

Ps. This might not be the end of this blog quite yet. I will post more thoughts if I feel like sharing them, and I might post more photos. We are planning a memorial service for Tabitha on Saturday here in Joburg somewhere. I will post the time and place tomorrow. Anybody who loved her is welcome.


  1. Oh my dear young friends, I've only followed your blog and your baby's life for the past two days. My daughter-in-law, Amanda Hedges(Ilze Botha's sister) led me to it. I am so sorry for your loss. I have grandchildren now, but cannot begin to think what you must feel like. Yes, Tabitha is with Jesus now and without pain and suffering. May God be with you and hold you both in His loving embrace at this time. Greetings in Jesus' name, Jo Hedges (Kenya)

  2. Wessel & Adele
    Ek volg jou blog van die begin af elke dag.
    Dit is wonderlik hoe groot God se genade
    Is vir elkeen van ons en hoe Hy jul voorberei
    het en elke dag gedra het in hierdie tyd.
    Dit het my net weereens laat besef hoe ons
    Sommige dinge maar net as vanselfsprekend
    Aanvaar elke dag, ons gesondheid, ons kinders
    En baie ander dinge in ons lewens. Ek is dankbaar
    Dat jul vrede het en ja julle gaan haar baie
    Mis, maar weet dat God julle spesiaal uitgekies
    Het om haar pappa en mamma te wees.
    But blessed are those who trust in the LORD
    and have made the LORD their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank,
    with roots that reach deep into the water.
    Such trees are not bothered by the heat
    or worried by long months of drought.
    Their leaves stay green,
    and they never stop producing fruit. (Jeremiah 17:7, 8)

    Dit is my gebed vir julle en dankie dat jy
    Die spesiale tyd saam met jou dogter met elkeen
    Van ons gedeel het.
    Marieta Bester Bloemfontein

  3. Hi Wessel en Adele. Ek ken julle nie persoonlik nie, maar ek ken vir Hilde. Het julle blog die laaste week begin volg, so jammer oor die heengaan van julle kleine mensie. As 'n mamma self kan ek nie dink hoe dit moet voel om 'n kind aan die dood af te staan nie, maar ek dank ons Vader dat ons nie treur soos die wat geen hoop het nie. Die seer is intens en die wonde is rou, en ons bid dat ons Vader daardie seer sal kom heel en dat Sy vrede bo alles julle sal kom toevou en omring. Hou vas aan Hom met alles binne in julle. Wat 'n inspirasie om jou blog te kon volg, dit het my hart aangeraak en die Woord wat jy gespreek het, dit sal nie leeg terugkeer nie.

    Bid vir julle en ons gedagtes is by julle.

    If there's any consolation in this, it is to remember, she's not in your past, she's already in your FUTURE!

    Salomie Wiehahn
    (PS. Het hierdie boodskap na jou FB ook gestuur, was nie seker of jy dit sou ontvang nie)

  4. Adel & Wessel

    Ai ek weet nie hoe om my gevoelens vir jou uit te beeld nie...

    LAat ek by die begin begin... Ek en my verloofde het gister middag in pick & pay gestaan en geargumenteer oor hoekom hy vir my die huisgenoot moet koop. Min het ek geweet wat vir my wag. Op die einde van die dag het ek die stryd gewen en hy het die huisgenoot vir my gekoop.

    Ekt by die huis aan gekom en soos n soute kind die boek oop geskeer. Ekt begin stelsel matig deur die boek geblaai en op bobby van Jarsveld se liefdes brief af gekom wat hy vir sy sean sion gekryf het en my hart het gesmelt om te sien dat een persoon wertlik so lief wees vir n ander???

    Ekt aan geblaai en op jou artikel af gekom en iets het dadelik my aandag getrek en weet nie of dit die mooi opskrif was nie of daai klein engeltjie wat in jou arms le vol pypies en allerande lewens apperaad.

    Jammer ek gaan my storie weer in die reder val eks nou 21 en verwag my eerste kind saam my verloofde van 5jaar. En ek beplan ook way te veel.

    Ekt jou artikel begin lees en kon myself nie kry om op te hou nie net dalk om te sien of daar n lig aand die einde van hierdie tonel is nie.

    En hoe verder ek jou lewens tydperk saam jou mooiste dogtertjie lees hoe meer het my hart uit gegaan na jou en jou familie ek weet dit is n harde tyd in n mens se lewe. Maar jy het al my vrae beantwoord wat ek in bobby se briefie gelees het jy het gelewe vir jou dogterjie en jy het nie een keer op gegee op haar nie en ja een mens kan n andre so onskryflik baie lief he.

    Jou storie jou lewens paaitjie roer my no steeds al dnk ek net daar aan maar jou storie het my donkerste kant van my siel geraak en my hart uit my borskas gruk.

    Ek weet nie hoe j so sterk was en is nie maar jy is my insperasie my steun pillaar as ek voel dinge raak te erg. Jy moet net onthou en ek wet jy het dit al baie nou gehoor jou dogterjie is by onse Hemelse Vader sonder enige verder lyding en seer en sy kyk so mooi nou na haar mamma en pappa wat als in hulle vermoe gedoen het om haar gesond te maak om net nog n paar dagies saam hulle te spandeer.

    Jou kind is in alle opsugte n geskenkie van bo n ware engeltjie. En sy sal altyd een bly in my oe.

    moet nooit op hou blog nie jy praat vir soveel mamma's wat nie die krag of moet het om dit te doeni...

    Adel jy's puik.

    Als van die beste en mag die nuwe jaar als voor le wat j verdien.

    Baie liefde
    Jean-Marie Van Vuuren

  5. Adel & Wessels you are remarkable people in Christ, God chose you to be the angel Tabithas parents you didnt give up where as others would have. You've inspired so many people never to give up and always to put God first. I cried when I read your article in the You magazine, I've never lost a child but lost two nephews close to my heart and it's been years but I still long for them and I will never forget them, but God has made me strong. God will carry you through this and you will be reunited with your little angel one day. In darkness, the beauty of stars and constellations will be admired all the more now your dearest Tabitha is up there shining like a bright star. Psalm 30:5 Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted
