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Day 49 |
But God never explains. He doesn't have to, He is God. God never explained to Job why he had to go through his terrible suffering. I don't think Job's suffering was for the purpose of a chess game between God and Satan. In Job's specific instance, God allowed Satan to put Job through hell, but it seems like the end purpose of God's plan was not to say 'See, I won!'. The story is concluded with a conversation between God and Job in which Job says, 'My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you'. Through everything that happened, Job has come into a deeper relationship with God. God never told Job in the beginning 'If you pass this test I will reward you with double of everything'. Job decided to keep trusting God even though the world and even God seemed to be against him. And as the readers of the story we can see that God was there all along and that he had a purpose in mind for Job's own good, even though He didn't cause the things to happen, but He allowed it. We also see that the things didn't happen because Job was sinful and had to be punished. I also know that God doesn't bring or allow suffering to punish people. Jesus already took all our punishment upon Himself. In Jesus we are free from condemnation.
I'm not saying that Job's story is a blueprint of all the trails we may face. We don't know what the reasons or purpose is for our specific trials. But we can learn more about God's character and the way He works. Some people may say that Job's trials were too much and that no reward can make up for his losses. But God knows exactly what circumstances, both good and bad, are necessary to produce a certain result in our lives. We cannot always see what good can come out of a bad situation while in it, and there are no guarantees that we will see or understand it afterwards, but His ways are perfect, and incomprehensible.
I am sure it is ok to sometimes wonder why? Or to wonder what good a certain situation can possibly produce. But I have decided a long time ago that I will never ask God WHY in a demanding or accusatory tone. It just feels to me like that would be almost blasphemous. Like I put myself in a position where I think that I deserve to know or that I am questioning God's motives as if He can make a mistake or as if He is not entirely good. So now that I am facing possibly the greatest trial of my life, I will not change my decision. God is God and I am just me. Besides, I have never heard of anybody getting an answer to that question. If He does answer it, we will probably not even understand.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways"
declares the Lord.
"As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."
(Isaiah 55:8-9)
The way I see it God does not work out a plan the way we would work out a plan. If one of our avenues in a certain plan would fail, we can try something else, but then the end result might not be the same. Or we might run out of options and then we have to compromise or not finish the plan at all. I believe God's ways are much higher than our ways in that He can have a plan, but if a certain person in the plan doesn't obey Him, He will use someone else or an entirely different means. His plans are not dependent on people. Also if we ask something in prayer He may change things along the way, but the end purpose of His plan will prevail. Nothing that happens in between will throw him out. I know our brains can't figure it out, but then again He made our brains. He is not like us, so we shouldn't try so hard to be on His level. Its just silly.
People often answer the why's with 'because we live in a sinful and imperfect world, therefore bad things happen'. I totally agree with that. But I don't think God made the world, and then man sinned, and then he turned His back on us and said 'now you sinned, so deal with it.' That sounds like a bit of a deist view to me. I believe God was right there when Tabitha was born. He was there all along and He is still there. Yes imperfect births are inevitable in a sinful world where things are often imperfect, but God is still in control of the universe. He knows what's going to happen even before it happens. And He never leaves or forsakes us. That is why I can trust Him in this situation, because I know He allowed it to happen so He knows what the purpose of it all is and I know it will be for our good and His glory. We don't have to understand it.
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I can also frown! |
The fungitel count of the other day seems to have progressed to a fungal growth somewhere according to new blood test results. So guess what. Yes! The operation will have to be postponed again! Just as well that it was not done on Saturday. The fungi can infect the shunt and damage it, but it can also infect her brain and cause more serious complications. I am done stressing about it. The good thing is her head has not grown in the last few days, in fact it seems to have come down from 36cm to 35.5cm today. So we'll just have to wait for her to get better before they can think of doing the operation. The ventricle tap is still not an option, thankfully. The neurosurgeon said that she is one very sick baby when he saw her today. I think he is referring to the fact that there are more than one complication going on, making treatment difficult, as with the shunt operation. And he is also referring to the state of her brain. Medically speaking the future does not look bright for her. Why God, why? Tempting. But God has a plan.
Fungi is apparently not an easy thing to get rid of. She has been on the antifungal antibiotics for 12 days already. But at least now that its growing they can determine which fungi it is. They will do sonars tomorrow to try and see where it is growing. Her platelets were down to a ridiculous 9 today. Like I said before, it should be above 150. They gave her some platelets, and tomorrow she'll have to get some blood again (this time aunty Minnette was kind enough to donate!) because her hemoglobin is down from 10.4 yesterday to 8.6 today. It should be above 10. The conclusion is that the low platelets is definitely because of the fungal infection.
She was also crying quite a bit today. Normally she hardly ever cries, except when you disturb her. It was upsetting because obviously something is bothering her. She must be either uncomfortable or in pain. When the nurse finally took out the one drip in her foot that was not working so well anymore, she stopped crying. It must have hurt her. Poor little baby. When she cries often I don't want to go home to eat because she needs someone there that cares enough to comfort her whenever she cries. The nurses are good, but they're not her mother.
I just want to thank everybody again that is following this blog and showing so much interest in Tabitha's life, supporting us with emails, sms's, phonecalls, Facebook messages, etc. We are so thankful and blessed by it, (even though I don't always answer all of them). Just know that we really appreciate it so very very much. And please remember to keep on praying for Tabitha's health and healing! Lots of love.
Ek dink en bid so baie vir julle en jul prinsessie. Dit breek my hart om als te lees, en tog weet ek soos jy se, God het 'n plan met alles! Al weet ons nie wat dit mag wees nie.
ReplyDeleteEk het 'n hele ruk terug 'n email gekry van 'n soort gelyke geval, en ek voel nou al 'n paar de dat ek dit moet deel met jou.
Die dogtertjie was ook baie te vroeg gebore, en die dokters het aanvanklik vir die ouers gese dat sy dit nie deur die aand gaan maak nie. Tot almal se verbasing het sy, maar soos Tabitha was sy baie te siek, en haar ouers kon haar vir baie lank ook nie vashou of optel nie. Die dokters het na die eerste week gese dat as sy als oorleef dat haar kwaliteit van lewe baie sleg sal wees. Dalk doof, verlam, blind of dalk als....
Die ouers en familie het gebid vir genesing, maar spesifiek dat Jesus haar sal vashou teen Sy bors aangesien hulle nie kon nie, en hulle was so bang dat sy verwerping sal ervaar.
'n Paar maande later was die dokters verstom oor haar vordering en genesing. En 'n paar jaar later was sy 'n gesonde, pragtige dogtertjie.
Toe sy ses jaar oud was, het hulle as gesin 'n basketbal game gekyk, sy het op haar mamma se skoot gesit. Daar het 'n reenstorm nader gekom, en die ruik van reen het al duideliker geword. Die dogtertjie vra toe haar mamma "wat ruik so?" die mamma se toe dis die reen wat sy ruik. Nee, se die dogtertjie toe, wat ruik so, vra sy toe weer. Seker drie keer gevra, en die mamma se elke keer, dis die reen. Na so 'n rukkie se die dogtertjie vir haar mamma, "nee mamma, dis hoe Hy geruik het toe Hy my teen sy bors vas gedruk het."
Al die kere wat julle voel dat julle net bid en bid en bid, en dinge word nie gou genoeg beter nie. Weet net, julle Hemelse Vader is haar Hemelse Pappa ook! En Hy is liewer vir haar as wat julle ooit sal kan verstaan, en Hy sal haar nie vir een oomblik alleen los nie.
Ek glo ook dat julle en die dokters sal verbaas staan oor die wonderwerk wat gaan plaasvind in haar lewe. En ek weet dat julle so 'n gelukkige familie gaan wees en dat sy julle gaan bless met haar glimlaggies en haar drukkies.
Baie sterkte vir die tyd wat voorle!
Julle bly in my gebede!
Hallo Adele
ReplyDeleteEk het jou storie in die Huisgenoot gelees en op die einde kon ek nie meer my trane keer nie. My dogtertjie is op 23 Julie 2007 op 25 weke en 6 dae gebore. Ek het gebloei van week 12 af. Was heeltyd in en uit hospitaal. Op 23.5 weke word ek weer opgeneem en toe is daar net 5ml vrugwater oor!!! Ek het vreeslik gebloei, maar daar was natuurlik ook vrugwater by. Hulle het my in die hospitaal gehou met my bene getilt. Op die aand van 22 Julie 2007 het my kontraksies so erg geraak dat sy om 00h45 op 23-7-2007 gebore is. Hulle het alles probeer om die kontraksies te stop, maar dit het nie gewerk nie. Die bevaling was normaal en toe sy gebore is was sy potblou. Hulle het net met haar gehardloop na ICU. gelukkig het almal reggestaan. Ek het haar nie gesien nie. Eers 8h30 die oggend het ek haar gesien. Sy het 900g geweeg, ek wou net omkap om die lyfie so te sien met al die masjiene. Sy het graad 3 bloeding op die brein gehad en amper graad 4. Sy was 4 maande in die hospitaal voor sy huistoe is. Die dokters het gesê daar is breinskade, ons moet maar wag en kyk waar die skade is. Blykbaar knak die senuwees wat beskadig is in die brein eers later en dan kan mens die skade sien. My senuwees was gedaan. Op 18 maande het ek 'n MRI van die brein laat doen en na 'n pediatriese neuroloog gegaan. Hy het presies verduidelik waar die skade is (ons kon ook al op haar lyf sien waar dit is), maar ek wou presies weet wat gaan vir wat. Haar linkerkant van die brein se grysstof (motories) het skade gekry en dus is haar regterkant aangetas. Haar armpie en beentjie trek in en sy is skeel (ons het haar al laat opereer). Sy kon nie kruip nie vanwee die skade en op 3 kon sy nog nie loop nie. Gelukkig is sy nie blind of doof nie. Op 13 Desember 2010 (op 3.5 jaar) het sy eendag opgestaan en geloop!!! Dit was 'n wonderwerk!!! Ons het haar baie aan haar hand gevat en geloop, maar sy kon nooit self opstaan en loop nie. Sy loop en hardloop vandag en spring. Sy loop skeef en val baie, maar sy loop. Sy kry weekliks fisio en sy ry perd. Ek het ook al baie gevra hoekom het dit gebeur dat sy so vroeg gebore is en waardeur ons als is, maar antwoorde is daar nie. Toe sy gebore is, het ons nog nie 'n naam gehad nie. Ons het toe nagelees en op die naam Nicole besluit. Nicole beteken "oorwinning". Nicole is nou 4 jaar oud. My hart is baie seer vir julle. Ek lees jou verhaal en beleef elke oomblik saam met julle want ons is presies daardeur. Sulke beproewings verander mens se lewe vir altyd!!! Ek wens julle sterkte toe en hoop dat daar binnekort weer vir julle goeie nuus sal wees en dat alles vlot mag verloop. (Ek het 'n tweeling na Nicole!!!! ) Hulle makeer op dees aarde niks en is op 37.5 weke gebore). Dus daar is altyd hoop!! Anouk Grobbelaar