You know what really upsets me at the moment? People with healthy kids that neglect them and despise them, some in more obvious ways than others. Off course you get the child abusers, but I'm also referring to the parents who try and delegate their God given duties, who are lazy and self-centered by pursuing their own interests before they consider the needs of their children. Children are innocent and dependent. Their hearts and souls are being moulded by their parents' decisions and actions, or lack of it. I know that society today consider the Bible's teaching as very old fashioned, but I wish people would go back to the Bible to see how the Originator of the family unit designed things to work. Maybe then our family lives will fall into place and be functional in a way that is so rare today. Maybe that's the missing element that explains why our matrics get involved in all kinds of evil on their matric holidays. People like using God's ideas but adding their own twist to it. Then it doesn't work anymore. It just falls apart. Its like saying I want to drive a car but i only like 3 wheels on mine and i don't want to pay so much for petrol so I'll just put in coke. And safety belts are just so last season, we don't need them any more. As you can see this picture is heading for disaster.
Marriage between a man and a woman is God's idea. So is sex in marriage. And a father that takes the lead, loves his wife and children, cares and provides. And a mother that loves her husband and children, nurtures and trains them in the way they should go, which can only be achieved by spending enough time with them. This is not a fairytale, its the Biblical Christian family. Just a pity so many 'Christians' today don't value the Bible anymore. I know this is not possible with single parent households. But then God promises to be a father to the fatherless. He can fill the gap if we let Him.
On the 'life is not fair' topic. I explored it a bit in my mind this past week. Can you imagine a world where everything was fair? How predictable! If life was fair I guess all other religions would be true. If you do this, you get that. Guaranteed. Send a pie into the universe and the universe will send you a pie back. No charity, because if you get rewarded for charity its not charity anymore. No real kindness, because everything people do would be to score points to up their ratings on the fairness-ometer. Most people won't be able to get any children, because they're just too selfish. No one would say 'Well he got what he deserved'. Because everyone would get what they deserve. Hell, am I glad I'm not getting what I deserve! That's what differentiates Christianity from other religions. We get what we don't deserve – through Jesus! I'm getting God's mercy, what a relief!!!
We also hear so many stories of brain damaged kids. As much as some parents don't deserve their beautiful children, so much do these parents of special kids deserve a reward in heaven. On this note I want to tell you about a beautiful child like this in our family. Little Jené, our niece. She is Wessel's brother, Gerhard, and his beautiful wife, Janine's daughter. Due to a problem at birth she has quite severe Cerebral Palsy. She can't walk, talk, or eat by herself. She can't really communicate except for crying and smiling, although she can understand everything around her. She is 7 years old. Her parents are doing an amazing job. They take her with them everywhere they go, even though it can be quite a mission. They don't let it get to them when people stare. They love her with all their hearts. It really is beautiful to see. I hope that stories like ours, Jené's and the many others we heard (see all the new comments on the blog) will also open your eyes. It has changed my outlook. Its so easy to just think 'It's not my problem'. Nobody chooses to be in a situation like Jené and her parents. Its just how life happens. But its people like Jené that makes people stop and think about what is really important in life. They have a profound impact on everyone that gets to meet them. If it wasn't for tough trials in our lives, we would probably never really STOP and THINK about anything that really matters.
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Beautiful Jené and I at the George market during the holidays |
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say I had the same experience 2 years ago. Hypertension, preeclampsia along with gestational diabetes, however in my case doctors didnt pick up anything until it was far too late, gave birth to a angel baby girl too and she was only with us for 3 days. Its amazing the fight our little angels put up against there pain and suffering. Anyways things will get better and we will always have our sweet memories. We will never forget and I must say you are so right about God having a plan through all our pain. I can relate to everything you going through and big ups to you and your husband for keeping strong because God knows it isnt easy but it gets better.
I've finally composed myself, after reading your story in the YOU magazine. Not only did your story touch my heart, it made me appreciate my kids even more so, especially my little 'whoopsie' who was born 10 months ago.
ReplyDeleteThe way you and your hubby have handled this is a testament to your faith in God, and that His grace is sufficient for us. God is using your testimony, despite the fact that Tabitha passed away into His presence, to touch and minister into the lives of so many others who are in a similar circumstances and enduring hardship.
Life is Hard, but God is good! And as the lyrics from a Steven Curtis Chapman song says: We can cry with hope, we can say goodbye with hope, because we know goodbye is not the end.
Thank you for sharing your story.
God Bless
Debbie Checkley
I recal
Hi Adele,
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if you've ever read this peom but someone gave it to me in 1984 when I lost my 2-year old son. It is very touching, as was your incredible story.
"I'll lend you for a while a child of mine," He said.
"For you to love the while he lives and mourn for when he's dead.
It may be six or seven years, or twenty-two or three,
But will you, till I call him back, take care of him for me?
He'll bring his charms to gladden you, and should his stay be brief,
You'll have his lovely memories as solace for your grief."
"I cannot promise he will stay; since all from earth return,
But there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn.
I've looked the wide world over in My search for teachers true
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes I have chosen you.
Now will you give him all your love, not think the labor vain,
Nor hate Me when I come to call to take him back again?"
"I fancied that I heard them say, "Dear Lord, Thy will be done!
For all the joy Thy child shall bring, the risk of grief we run.
We'll shelter him with tenderness, we'll love him while we may,
And for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay;
But should the angels call for him much sooner than we've planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand!"
All the very best for the future,
Adèle, soos die Bybelse Tabitha, het hierdie dogtertjie van jou vandag ook weer my hart geraak.
ReplyDeleteToe ek die eerste keer die verhaal van Tabita in die Bybel lees, was ek verstom. Waarom het ek nog nooit van hierdie wonderlike vrou gehoor nie ? Haar verhaal het my so geraak dat ek my gastehuisie Tabita genoem het. En telke male moet ek verduidelik waar hierdie "vreemde" naam vandaan kom !
Ek weet verseker dat jou kleine Tabitha se verhaal soveel meer mense sal aanraak, en daardeur weet en glo ek met my hele hart, dat sy harte vir Jesus sal wen !
As jy ooit in die Wes Kaap kom, kom bly gerus in Tabita. Groete uit Bonnievale. Lisbe Rademeyer
Dear Wessel & Adele - I have now read your article in the You..... We have a precious little granddaughter Madi now aged 13 months who has had problems with her little lungs since birth, and has spent numerous days in hospital. Our daugther and son in law have been finacially drained due to excessive visits to the pedeatrician, emergency hospital visits, physio, medication etc etc. There have been times where I have been quite nervous as to her condition.... but I can honestly say that our little madi has been a fighter and she is sooo much better now.
ReplyDeleteWhen I read your article last night, it brought tears to my eyes as I literally put myself in your predicament and thought of how I would've handled the situation - very tough, but with God's assistance Im sure my decision would have been the same. Little Tabitha was given to you by our Maker to send a message to the rest of us and at the end of the day, to make you a better person! Your little angel is now with Jesus, in a better place with no more suffering - although you would love her to be here on earth with you....Know that both of you are in my prayers and thoughts. And my special prayer for you is that you will be blessed in the future with another little baby, not to replace Tabitha, but to allow you enjoy the pleasures a little human brings to the lives of a Daddy, Mommy and especially people like me..... a Gramps!!
Lots of love to both of you - Allen
I just want to say that your story in Huisgenoot touched my heart so much. I was busy reading it on my way back to Gaborone and tears where running down my face! It's so amazing to see how wonderful you guys are and it has really changed me and made me realize again how much God is present in our lives. My prayers are with you!Thank you for being such an inspiration!
ReplyDeleteAdele en Wessel,
ReplyDeleteEk het julle storie in huisgenoot gelees en die trane het gevloei. My seuntjie is nou 14 maande en moes 'n noodkeiser ondergaan, min het ons besef dat sy naelstring om sy nekkie gedraai is. Hy was die laaste ruk voor die keiser onaktief en ek het om nie voel beweeg nie. Ek was vir 'n doktersondersoek en net daar het sy besluit om 'n keisersnit te doen. Die naelstring was drie keer om sy nekkie en hy was potblou. Daardie dag het ek net weer gesef God se genade is groot.
Dankie vir julle inspirasie. Mag God julle ontvou met sy liefde en elke dag vertroos! Julle is in ons gebede.
My hart het gebreuk vir jou want ek weet hoe dit voel om jou engelkind te verloor.Ons het 6j gelede ons oudste dogter verloor nadat my niere probleme gegee het en hul 'n nood keiser moes doen.Soos jy weet het premies baie komplikasies en het ons klein Marianka net 12 dae geleef.Het baie hardseer en pyn deurgemaak soos jy weet.
ReplyDeleteDie eintlike rede hoekom ek vir jou my verhaal vertel is om 'n klein liggie(my sonstraaltjie) op jul padlangs te gee.Ons het nie gedink dat ons ooit weer kinders sal(of wil) he nie maar ons het onverwags swanger geraak en ons 2de dogtertjie Misha is 4j gelede (3 Jan 2008) gebore na 'n fantastiese swangerskap sonder enige gesondheids probleme.Sy sal nooit vervang wat verlore is nie maar sy is my lig en geluk. Sy is alles en meer wat 'n mamma ooit kan vra van 'n klein dogtertjie.
Bly sterk en jul sal weer geluk in jul lewe he.Ek dink eks 'n beter mamma agv my ondervinding.Elke daggie,elke giggel en elke traan en oomblik is so kosbaar dat ek alles van my kind se lewe indrink.Elke dag ten volle saam met haar kan spandeer en Elke oomblik vir altyd wil onthou. En natuurlik was dit die wondelikste gevoel om die klein lyfie huis toe te kon vat.
Groete Mariska Buytendag
Adele and Wessel,
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your story with us in the YOU magazine and also for your regular updates that continue to serve as reminders of the amazing God we serve and about just how much we have to trust Him, in all we do, every day – and although we may not understand it at the time, that He has a plan for each and every one of us.
Your story and special little Tabitha is a reminder to me that miracles do happen, and they can take place in different ways and for different reasons.
My eldest daughter, Sarah-Leigh, was born at just 25 weeks and weighed only 830gms. She is about to turn four and is a bubbly, healthy, busy little girl. Wow! What an amazing miracle! Kiara, my second daughter, is just 3 months. She was born at 39 weeks and weighed 3,89kg, and is also a happy, healthy little angel. I was able to experience the wonder of full term pregnancy, a ‘normal’ caesarean, and now the magical milestones that babies achieve. Wow! What a miracle!
Thank you for reminding me of just how blessed and privileged I am to have 2 little miracles. I will continue to draw strength and reminders from your blog and look forward to one day reading about your little miracle.
Jenny Nel
Hi Adele,
ReplyDeleteI read your story in Huisgenoot this week, you had me in tears! You and your husband is such an inspiration, and I'll draw strength from your story. You are amazing, and this little girl will never be forgotten, God has Blessed us with your story, to give us hope and courage. You are amazing, and may you be Blessed the way you're a Blessing to others.
Much Love,
Elrese xXx
Adele and Wessel,
ReplyDeleteMy hart was so seer toe ek die artikel lees in HUISGENOOT. Ek het my oë uit gehuil... Julle is twee fantastiese Gods-kinders en Hy het julle gekies om die BESTE te maak van klein Tabitha se kort lewetjie. Mag Hy julle seën met die mooiste herinneringe van julle tydjie saam. Julle is 'n inspirasie vir so baie ouers wat soms die tyd saam met hulle gesonde kinders as vanselfsprekend aanvaar.
Julle is in my gebede.
Lizelle Cronjé
Adele & Wessel.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your story with us. Am typing this with tears in my eyes. I know Father has got great plans for you two. It must have been one of the bravest decisions to share this story with us. God bless,
Alison Scheppel